UAC Equity Scholarships for UNSW Sydney - Local and International students

UAC Equity Scholarships for UNSW Sydney for Local and International students - At the end of this article you should know anf understand all about Equity Scholarships, UAC, and how to apply especially if you're an applicant at UNSW, Sydney in Australia, although the info provided here is not limited to that tertiary institution, hence if should be in any way useful to both local/rural and international students whose Colleege or University is listed and approved for Equity Scholarships program.

UAC Equity Scholarships and its Meaning

What does UAE Equity Scholarships mean?

Equity Scholarships help financially disadvantaged students with the general costs associated with tertiary study.

Equity Scholarships are awarded to students from low socio-economic backgrounds, particularly those who receive Centrelink income support payments.

There are two types of Equity Scholarships:
  1. Institution Equity Scholarships (IES) funded by individual institutions
  2. Indigenous Student Success Program (ISSP) Scholarships funded by the Australian Government for Indigenous students.

Equity Scholarships in UNSW and How to Apply

1. For you to be eligible for the equity Scholarship at UNSW Sydney, you must be an Applicant via UAC or direct.

2. When you apply, you don’t have to tell them which scholarship you’re applying for. The institutions at which you’re currently enrolled and/or from which you’ve received an offer of admission will consider you for all scholarships for which you meet the eligibility criteria.

3. You can only submit one scholarship application during the 2017–18 admissions period or 2018-19, as the case may be for each new year.
Your application remains 'live' throughout this period.

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